Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dan H: Vlogger & Such...

1) Was coming out difficult for you? How and when did you do it? Coming out was a lot easier for me than most people, probably. I was pretty comfortable with who and what I was...I had come to the conclusion that if someone doesn't want to accept me for that, then that is their loss! The hardest person to come out to was my mother; but her biggest problem with it was that she wasn't going to have any grandkids! But she knew that anyways; I constantly expressed my dislike for children...this just sort of solidified it.
2) Besides "being gay" how do you identify yourself? I'd say Agnostic is another one of my big ones. That search for something higher is constant for me. While I'm pretty convinced that the "God" of the Catholic Church (or any major religion for that matter) just doesn't exist. I think it is a lot simpler than all of that they tell us. I think it's just having a strong relationship with who you are as a person, caring about your surroundings, and being the best person you can be. In a way, I think that is a relationship with a higher power because it shows how we can truly be an amazing species. What a rant that was! I'd also classifty myself as a radical feminist...DOWN WITH GENDER!
3) Give some advice to up and coming GLBT people (kids who are coming out, etc): Go at your own pace...and when you're ready, just be prepared. I would LOVE for everyone to come out, but I understand the limitations and have to respect that. If coming out won't present you with a safe environment, then don't come out. Put yourself first, its okay! Also, if your friends don't accept you because of your sexuality, then it's time to drop them. They couldn't have been that good of friends anyway!

4) How does it feel to have your own vlog site on the net? It feels pretty gosh darn cool!

5) How did that start, btw? Actually, I was bored of typing out all of my blogs on MySpace, so I thought I would be really creative and start to do a Video Blog. I thought I was hot shit and the first to ever do it. False. Oh well. Still pretty cool!

6) Does your Fraternity accept you for who you are? Absolutely!
7) Was coming out to your Fraternity easy or difficult? How so? I've come to the point where I'm not "coming out" anymore. It is just a part of who I am and pretty much everyone knows it. I think I have a strong enough voice around campus that everyone knows by now. Also, being featured in my school newspaper for my YouTube and my videos on being gay and gay rights might have tipped some people off!
8) Whatda think of GLBT marriage? I'm against it! Then again, I'm against straight marriage too! Marriage is a religious term. Religion and Government DO NOT MIX! (but they do far too often) So drop marriage already! Let the churches take care of that, and leave the government the term civil union or what not. If a church wants to discriminate, then so be it. But the government by law shouldn't and can't! So, marriage for some (because that is an entirely different fight within religion) and civil unions for all meaning the same benefits for all!
9) Describe your perfect mate? Oh gosh. First of all, someone who does NOT want to have sex all the time. It just gets annoying. Second of all, someone who is socially conscious. I'm not going to walk through life with my parter and be the only one with my eyes open! Thirdly, no jean shorts...I hate them! Fourth, of course he has to be good looking! If I'm not physically attracted to the boy, then I'm sorry, but it won't work! Fifth, he has to say more then 5 words to my friends and family. Nothing annoys me more then when I bring a boy home and he's quiet. Geez. I'm trying to integrate you here and you're being a stone in a field of beautiful flowers! Finally, he has to be sarcastic and have the humor of an 8th grader, yet still maintain a level of maturity when appropriate. If we all go around with a stick up our asses (noticed the "st" on stick, not "d"!) then.... I'm going to hate you.
10) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In a big city kicking ass! I've always dreamt of organizing a campaign comparable to some from the 1960's. After Stonewall it seems that we could never seriously get out there en masse and truly kick some butt on an on-going basis. Now is our time! I want to put that together, get us out there, and demand our rights. Not by letters and phone calls, but by sheer force. We make up a good chunk of this population, so lets finally start to DEMAND what we deserve!

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