It's been awhile since I wrote here, and wow, it's not for lack of things to write about. See, the thing is though, I have to find the right topic, at the right time, to say what I really want to say. Today is one of those days, when I've found something I can write about without rehashing old arguements or discussions.
Over time I wrote alot about what love is, how to find love, etc etc and so forth. But I never took the time to write the blog about breaking up, or slowing down, or taking a break. It just never suited me. The sad truth is, for all my negative outward appearance in the world, I've a very positive (but realistic/romantic) heart. I hold out for dreams that may or may not come true.
Having said that, I realize now the breakup world is different. It's harder to navigate then it was in the past. Those of you who rememeber the creation of Myspace and Facebook will agree. In the past you broke up, maybe deleted a phone number or two, and moved on. It was over with, regardless of the "Let's be friends" status or not. In this new age things are more social, there are no secrets. Life is lived before everyone's eyes. Log into any of the above mentioned accounts and you'll instantly know the status of your friends. This is both positive and negative. Positive in you can always keep tabs on your friends and be up to date on what's happening with them. Negative, well, because there are no more secrets, things are out there for everyone to see.
I often wonder what is the new protocol for a breakup, I mean, there must be right? It also, I guess, depends on how the breakup ended. In my mind (and I could be wrong) there's only four ways a relationship ends: Good, Bad, Ugly, and Uncertain. Good is enough to figure out how to deal with, you ended on mutual terms and made mutual descisions from there. Bad, well that's like fire and brimstone with a pinch of bitterness. Ugly is fire and brimstone multiplied by a billion with a few corpses thrown in for effect. Uncertain is exactly what it means.
Now I'm sure all of these have protocol of some sort, I mean, they had it in the past. But where is the protocol now? Do you remove each other from your social network circles, so you don't have the door to pain anymore? Do you leave them and deal with it? Do you favorite them, then remove them and then secretly stalk them? (This one is a joke.) Or do you just let it all be?
The thing about the dating world and love is it doesn't come with a handbook. No one, and I mean no one, can give you the advice of the heart. The only advice I would barely offer is this... Pacienca Y Fe. Patience and Faith. Listen closely to your own heart, what does it tell you to do?
Now, I'm not talking about the heart that is in pain, but the real true genuine heart inside. The one that's patient and faihful. This heart will help you make the right decisions.
I've barely expounded on this, as I'm running late for a friend's birthday party today. Ah, the Jungle, it never stops moving, even when you wish it would. That's part of the beauty of the Jungle, life will go on.
- Texas